

世界文化遗产基金会( World Monuments Fund  )最近公布了其2018年度的“世界文化遗产守护计划”( 2018 World Monuments Watch ),重点选出了全球25个由于经济、政治或自然灾害而濒临毁灭的文化遗产。 这些文化遗址涵盖了30多个国家及地区,代表着从史前时期至到20世纪,具有特殊文化价值的遗址。

停手吧!50处正遭受天灾人祸的文化遗址 - 更多图片+ 24


  • 武装冲突(位于叙利亚的阿勒颇老市集( the Souk in Aleppo, Syria ),是一个在武装冲突爆发期间被烧毁的社区中心; 伊拉克摩苏尔市的驼背塔( al-Hadba’ Minaret in Mosul, Iraq ),是受到伊斯兰国防军( ISIS ) 所炸毁的历史地标; 也门老城塔伊茲( the Old City of Ta’izz in Yemen ),一座被战争吞没的古城; 以及尼日利亚的宿库卢文化景观( Sukur Cultural Landscape in Nigeria ),现由 Boko Haram 所操控。)
  • 灾害应变(加勒比地区、墨西哥和墨西哥海的灾区;意大利阿马特里斯镇( the town of Amatrice, Italy ),2016年因为一场地震几乎夷为平地。)
  • 社会运动进行场地(阿拉巴马州民权遗址( Alabama Civil Rights Sites ),是对20世纪50、60年代的美国民权运动( United State Civil Rights Movement )十分重要的场地。)
  • 气候变化(布莱克浦码头(Blackpool Piers),是英国历史悠久的海滨区,正遭受海平面上升以及日渐加剧的风暴潮的威胁。)
  • 现代遗址(位于德里的印度独立后时期建筑( Post-Independence Architecture of Delhi ),当中包括著名印度建筑师 Charles CorreaRaj Rewal 的作品; 香川县立体育馆( Kagawa Prefectural Gymnasium ),是由丹下健三设计、位于日本的混凝土体育馆; 天狼星大厦( Sirius Building ),是卫浴澳大利亚悉尼的粗野主义风格公共房屋)
  • 文化景观(别尔索( Tebaida Leonesa ),是西班牙的一系列曾经与世隔绝的郊区,现时该地区旅游业泛滥,受到过度开发; Ramal Talca-Constitución 是智利剩余最后一条的郊区客运铁路 ,最近亦受到森林火灾的破坏; 位于津巴布韦的马托博山文化景观( Matobo Hills Cultural Landscape in Zimbabwe, ),是世界上最伟大的岩石艺术藏品之一,也受到了火灾和去森林化的威胁。)

WMF 主席兼 CEO Joshua David 表示:“通过建立国际联盟,”世界文化遗产守护计划”保护了这些遗址本身及其所盛载的共同历史。 “也许我们以保育工作的卓越而闻名,但是我们的工作对人类所产生的影响力才最为具有意义。像为2018年计划所选出的25个遗址,是我们作为世界公民聚集在一起,重申对正义、文化、和平与谅解的承诺。


加勒比地區、墨西哥灣, 和墨西哥的灾区 ( Disaster Sites of the Caribbean, the Gulf, and Mexico )

Disaster Sites of the Caribbean, the Gulf, and Mexico. Debris left by Hurricane Maria in Havana, Cuba, 2017. Sergei Montalvo Aróstegui/World Monuments Fund
Disaster Sites of the Caribbean, the Gulf, and Mexico. Damage caused by Hurricane Maria to Luis Muñoz Rivera Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2017. Jorge Iván Reyes/World Monuments Fund

礼宾府,圣约翰,安提瓜和巴布( Government House, St. John's, Antigua and Barbuda )

Antigua and Barbuda, Government House. The main building of the Government House seen from the front, 2015. Philip Logan/World Monuments Fund

天狼星大厦, Millers Point, 悉尼, 澳大利亚( Sirius Building, Millers Point, Sydney, Australia )

Australia, Sirius Building. The Sirius Building, seen from the north, 2016. Glenn Harper/World Monuments Fund

Ramal Talca-Constitución ,塔爾卡省,智利( Ramal Talca-Constitución, Talca Province, Chile )

Chile, Ramal Talca-Constitución. Four historic railbuses run on the Talca-Constitución narrow-gage line, 2006. Erick Cespedes/ Wikimedia Commons/ World Monuments Fund

大戏楼,恭王府大戏楼,北京,中国( Grand Theater, Prince Kung's Mansion, Beijing, China )

China, Grand Theater, Prince Kung’s Mansion. An outdoor corridor runs along the west side of the Grand Theater, 2017. Yu Zhixin/World Monuments Fund

先知以利亚会堂,亚历山大港,埃及( Eliyahu Hanavi Synagogue, Alexandria, Egypt )

Egypt, Eliyahu haNavi Synagogue. Alexandria’s Eliyahu Hanavi Synagogue, seen from Nebi Daniel Street, 2012. Roland Unger/ Wikimedia Commons/ World Monuments Fund

Takiyyat of al-Gulshani, 开罗,埃及( Takiyyat of al-Gulshani, Cairo, Egypt )

Egypt, Takiyyat Ibrahim al-Gulshani. The complex of al-Gulshani, seen from the northeast, showing how modern structures obscure the entrance façade, 2017. Matjaz Kacicnik/World Monuments Fund

国王菜园,凡尔赛, 法国( Potager du Roi, Versailles, France  )

France, Potager du Roi. View across the central fountain in the Grand Carré towards the north, with a statue of Jean-Baptiste de La Quintinie and the cityscape beyond, 2015. Alexandre Petzold/World Monuments Fund

独立后建筑,德里, 印度( Post-Independence Architecture of Delhi, India )

India, Post-Independence Architecture of Delhi. The Bahá’í House of Worship, known as the Lotus Temple (1986), is included on the World Heritage List, 2017. Shutterstock/ World Monuments Fund
India, Post-Independence Architecture of Delhi. The Jeevan Bharati (Life Insurance Corporation of India) Building (1986), designed by Charles Correa (1930-2015), 2017. INTACH Delhi/World Monuments Fund
India, Post-Independence Architecture of Delhi. The State Trading Corporation Building (1989) was designed by Raj Rewal, architect of the now-demolished Delhi Hall of Nations, 2017. INTACH Delhi/World Monuments Fund

驼背塔,摩苏尔市,伊拉克( Al-Hadba' Minaret, Mosul, Iraq )

Iraq, Al-Hadba’ Minaret. The al-Hadba’ Minaret, seen from the mosque before its destruction, 2009. Mosab Mohammed Jaseem/World Monuments Fund

Lifta,  耶路撒冷,以色列( Lifta, Jerusalem, Israel )

Israel, Lifta. The ruins of Lifta are now a popular destination for recreation, 2011. Nir Navot/ World Monuments Fund

阿马特里斯,意大利( Amatrice, Italy )

Italy, Amatrice. The bell tower is an emblem of hope and resilience amid the devastation, 2017. MIBACT/World Monuments Fund

香川县立体育馆,高松市,香川县,日本( Kagawa Prefectural Gymnasium, Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan )

Japan, Kagawa Prefectural Gymnasium. The Kagawa Prefectural Gymnasium, seen from the southwest, was designed to evoke the form of a traditional Japanese wooden barge, 2014. Noriyuki Kawanishi/World Monuments Fund

索维拉犹太区,摩洛哥( Jewish Quarter of Essaouira, Morocco )

Morocco, Jewish Quarter of Essaouira. Many structures in the Jewish Quarter are abandoned and crumbling, 2017. Amine Bennour/World Monuments Fund

宿库卢文化景观,马达加利( Sukur Cultural Landscape, Madagali Local Government Area, Nigeria )

Nigeria, Sukur Cultural Landscape. Traditional Sukur houses are round clay buildings with thatched roofs, 2006. NCMM/Dipo Alafiatayo/ World Monuments Fund

卡拉奇港口,巴基斯坦 ( Historic Karachi, Pakistan )

Pakistan, Historic Karachi. The Nizam Mansion on the busy intersection of Muhammad Bin Qasim and Shahrah-e-Liaquat Roads has been abandoned and neglected for decades, 2011. HC-DAPNED/World Monuments Fund

Cerro de Oro, ,卡内特山谷,秘鲁( Cerro de Oro, Cañete Valley, Peru )

Peru, Cerro de Oro. Aerial view of an excavated area at the southeast part of the hill, 2017. Francesca Fernandini/World Monuments Fund

Tebaida Leonesa, 诺塞达戴尔别尔索,莱昂, 西班牙( Tebaida Leonesa, El Bierzo, León, Spain )

Spain, Tebaida Leonesa. The thirteenth-century Romanesque Church of San Pedro de Montes in Valdueza, seen from the north, 2015. Escuela del Patrimonio Cultural/World Monuments Fund

阿勒颇市场, 阿勒颇, 叙利亚( Souk of Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria )

Syria, Souk of Aleppo. A crossroads in the Souk of Aleppo before the fire, 2012. Ekaterina Zhuravleva/ Flickr/ World Monuments Fund

昭披耶河,曼谷,泰国 ( Chao Phraya River, Bangkok, Thailand )

Thailand, Chao Phraya River. The Chao Phraya River as it winds through Bangkok, near the Grand Palace. Dario Lo Presti/ World Monuments Fund

布莱克浦码头,布莱克浦,英国( Blackpool Piers, Blackpool, United Kingdom )

United Kingdom, Blackpool Piers. The North Pier was the first pier at Blackpool, constructed using innovative screw pile engineering. Gidzy/ Flickr/ World Monuments Fund

布法罗中央车站,布法罗,纽约,美国( Buffalo Central Terminal, Buffalo, New York, United States )

United States, Buffalo Central Terminal. The Buffalo Central Terminal complex includes an iconic Art Deco office tower, 2017. Joe Casico/World Monuments Fund

阿拉巴马民权遗址,阿拉巴马州,美国( Alabama Civil Rights Sites, Alabama, United States )

United States, Alabama Civil Rights Sites. Old Ship A.M.E. Zion Church in Montgomery, a historic meeting place for black leaders, 2017. Laura Ewen Blokker, Southeast Preservation/World Monuments Fund

也门老城塔伊茲( Old City of Ta’izz, Ta'izz, Yemen )

Yemen, Old City of Ta’izz. The Mosque of al-Mudhaffar in the Old City of Ta’izz is a survivor of the Rasulid period, 2008. Pierre Blanchard/World Monuments Fund

马托博山文化景观,马托博,马塔贝莱兰南部,津巴布韦( Matobo Hills Cultural Landscape, Matobo, Matabeleland South, Zimbabwe )

Zimbabwe, Matobo Hills Cultural Landscape. The grave of Cecil Rhodes in World’s View receives thousands of visitors each year, 2016. Stephen Battle/World Monuments Fund




引用: Lynch, Patrick. "停手吧!50处正遭受天灾人祸的文化遗址" [2018 World Monuments Watch Lists 50 Cultural Sites at Risk from Human and Natural Threats] 28 10月 2017. ArchDaily. (Trans. Han, Shuang) Accesed . <https://www.archdaily.cn/cn/882413/ting-shou-ba-50chu-zheng-zao-shou-tian-zai-ren-huo-de-wen-hua-yi-zhi>



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